Notice: The server is up and running again! Re-join and report any bugs or glitches to me.
You are being logged.
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The Minecraft server, previously under development, is now running and ready for the public.
Any and all are invited to play. You are advised, obviously, to make a house far away from spawn.
You will have to register a password on join, simply type /register <password>. No email is required.
Follow any one of the 2 portals to the Creative world. The world generates flat ground infinitely.
Details:- Plugins
- LogBlock
- Essentials
- GroupManager
- WorldEdit
- xAuth
- Multiverse
- Server Properties
- 16 slots
- Passive and aggressive mobs enabled
- Nether is DISABLED
- PVP is ON
- Online mode is FALSE
- Rules
- Don't grief
- Refrain from building within one chunk (16 blocks/metres) of other players without their permission.
- In accordance with the above, don't constantly pester players to get away from you. That's just annoying.
Pictures: (More coming soon)