To be honest, they are more interested in agriculture and what we wear than what we actually learn. About 20-40% of the people here are just going to be farmers anyway, and most of them are rednecks. Devie and Proudly Infected probably had the same problems too.
lol renecks
newyork has lowest redneck population EVAR
besides florida.
our school is jsut about sports. gay as fuck. lets see people make a single dollar lifting a weight (bets not included -.-)
now lets laugh as they cry when everyone else makes millions with something thats from technology.
our school computers = 2 years old, shitty, and crash every other time. not usable for anything for classes because of that. so our tech teachers used home laptops for classes and hope that the school internet is up for once and that all the .gov and .eu sites arnt blocked.
cause as we know, .gov sites means porns -.-