1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)STEAM_0:0:11196125
2. Players NicknameKillaB
3. Your in-game namePilot
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)Wirebuild
5. Description of the event(s)I'll keep it short.
I was driving around in my GoKart, testing it out and tweaking it. It glitches, I delete it, and no-clip around to see what other people are doing.
Here's KillaB, standing AFK next to his spawned airboat. I randomly take out a grenade and huck it, obviously it would do nothing since there was no creation.
I don't even know why, but he starts a kickvote titled "...dick..."
When I got back on, he said he kicked me for "minging"
The only reason I was succesfully kicked is because the server was filled with foreginer guests who knew nothing about the kick feature, so they all hit the first button they saw, F11.
I asked him what he had to say for himself. His reply: "lolz".
6. Reason for banI've seen KillaB do this to multiple people, and I'm getting pretty sick of it. He kicks/bans for personal or stupid reasons. People have made a report for him before, and it had STRONG support.
Earlier, I just wanted him to be warned or temp-removed or something, but now he's just Respectard-happy.
List of Shit He's Done+ Random Kickvote (x2)
+ Griefing after posting his report link in server
+ Ragdoll-player 'command' killing
Needs to be stripped of Respected, and also needs a(
nother) ban.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)


While I was writing this report, AFK in the server, he randomly kicks me again.
What is with the surge of respectards lately?