Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Aids Puppy's ban

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--- Quote from: Axule on September 01, 2011, 11:10:29 PM ---Yeah, totally my bad. Was reading this on my phone and skipped the discription. I just saw he was perma banned, assumed hacks.

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So... let me get this straight...

You commented on the content of a post... without actually reading the content?  :icecream:


--- Quote from: Xrain on September 02, 2011, 04:24:03 AM ---So... let me get this straight...

You commented on the content of a post... without actually reading the content?  :icecream:

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You're in a bit of a pickle now Axule :P


I don't really know. If he assaulted the community I think he should only be able to come int the servers with the JBanned tag and shouldn't have any chance at being regular. A perma seems like too much, but still....I dunno.

The only reason i was pissed at jim was because it was a false ban and i wanted to fight my case, everyone seemed to be on my side so i ended up leaving and joining GoG, played for a while with them and got super admin. the server ran ok for a while but then the pot head owner stopped funding and helping the server and it died out, then kramer  (one of the old owners of GoG) and i brought up a new ZS with the old code. we named it Kramocity. not to soon after it started it, i thought we had way to many admins (he brought back the old ones from GoG) so i ask kramer if it was ok if i got rid of some, he said sure. so i got rid of a few but then every thing blew up in my face. they started complaining on the fourms and then kramer back stabbed me and ask if everyone wanted me to get replaced as an owner with a superadmin coder. they said yes, i left soon after. not even a month after that happened the server died and he came back asking me if i wanted to join his new community and i said "hell no" and left it at that. but thats pretty much the whole deal...... yah. and thats crazy that you remembered all that snivy. i'm just back because i really did have fun on the server no matter what i have said about it.


--- Quote from: AidsPuppy on September 02, 2011, 09:15:59 AM ----snip-

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Butchered English aside, I'd like to see Jims reply on this.

I personally feel that, although misguided, Aids is sincerely sorry, and that he deserves a second chance.

I gave him a fair chance, he decided to lash out at me. It was not a false ban how can you not even acknowledge what happened then come back here and say none of it was your fault? This is my only reply because unless you do something amazing you don't have a chance in hell of being unbanned


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