Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Aids Puppy's ban

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Dark Pacifist:
Dude just don't go around intentionally making problems. As it appears you did nothing wrong unless I hear otherwise  :thumbsup:

lol. what a joke. this has been up forever and not a single admin has touched it. i can see you really don't care so you might as well delete this XD

He mad. Reported lol?


--- Quote from: AidsPuppy on September 22, 2011, 12:03:20 PM ---lol. what a joke. this has been up forever and not a single admin has touched it. i can see you really don't care so you might as well delete this XD

--- End quote ---

Anddd the tiny tiny tiny chance of you being unbanned just went down the drain.



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