My name is Jeff Addington, id is cjeffaddington, and Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:40757497. When I came up with that the game and everything about this was new. My game ID is Stone Cold. I made few name changes, not to make anyone think I was someone else, but just to pick one I liked being referred to as.
I've always played the game as an honest player, playing only by the rules. Most of the games are new to me because I enjoy playing the one that I am familiar with. TTT 27 I think it's called. Don't have the time to play others. I like the way that players are punished by losing karma if they make mistakes. I don't like the so-called RDMers. They cost players their hard earned karma.
There have been times when some players would ruin the game for me because they would shoot anyone anytime for fun, ignoring the rules. And, because I couldn't do anything about it I would have to quit playing and come back later hoping they were gone. Still don't know a whole lot about all the things I can do, and i know there are more options than I realize. Again I don't have the time to research and learn everything here. At least not now. Maybe in near future. I would also like to do more to be more involved in the game someday, with maps and things that way.
Things going on in my life limits what I have time for and what I can do, at least for now. But, I always play by the rules. I've played games all my life. Board games, card games, video games. And, was taught by parents when I was young the importance of playing by the rules. Cheating ruins the fun for me. I even had, and only once because i ignored him, someone they to get me to cheat with him. He told me things during a game and i ignored them. I told other players that I play regularly with later. It's known that this one particularly young person doesn't play honest.
I would like to be able to have more to do with keeping the game I play fun and enjoyable for everyone if you see fit. I always respect the games, the rules and the other players. And,, I've told others the way to earn respect, and that's by playing according to the rules. That's all I have to say. sorry this was long, I ramble on sometimes. lol. Hope you see fit to make me a regular. Good day, Stone Cold