Restricted (Read Only) > Senior Members

Well this is disappointing.

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Well, let me just get straight to the point. Due to financial problems, me mum and dad have decided to cut off the internet, that's not the only thing they've cut though, they've already cut the home phone, the TV, and now it's teh internet.

I won't be able to get on in about 1-4 weeks, but I MAY be able to get on the forum and perhaps just browse it using a....Different source of internet.

And most of you already know, my application for VIP has more than enough +1's to get approved...Which makes it all the more frustrating. If it does get approved, I MAY or MAY NOT be able to download garrysmod in this crappy laptop to just help out in the servers, you know, so I don't get demoted :L Spoiler (click to show/hide)Although I won't be on to actually "play" the game, I'll just try to help out whenever I can.

Sorry about this, seems like an asshole move to make an application and lose my internet right after, but shit happens :/[/s]

So...I downloaded Gmod on here.

I get around 10-20 fps on lowest settings, lag spike occasionally, and it takes me 5 minutes to load the server. I can live with it though.

What strikes me as weird is that not a word has been mentioned on the application even though it's a bit past 1 week for the check. Sorry if it sounds like I want to rush it, just seems a bit weird.

ASDF Lag spikes will cause the end of me.

That really sucks...
But you're VIP will still be there for you one way or another.
Though, I'm confused... if you can't use your computer because your family can no longer pay for internet, how are you on a laptop... on the internet?

neighbors wifi

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: Deacon on August 23, 2011, 04:49:38 PM ---neighbors wifi

--- End quote ---

Reminds of something me and my friends did once...

My friend was visiting and my internet was being all fucked up, so we tried using our neighbor's wifi.

It required a password, so we tried Porn and it worked XD

Anyways if you can, try finding a wifi network nearby that doesn't require a password. Even with low signal strength, it should do the trick for posting on the forums.

As for your (precious) rank, you shouldn't get demoted due for a justified reason. Hence it might not be even approved until you get back.

Anyways, good luck with your financial problems my good sir.

Well it's kind of simple really.
He simply won't get VIP until he can be active again lol.
He can't use Gmod anyways, so I don't see that as a problem. (unless you really want to post on VIP applications or admins applications)


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