Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
hasser appeal
dont buy that story and you got nothing to back you up, everyone else seems to be against you so... no idea ur ban sticks
--- Quote from: Moo on August 21, 2011, 08:51:40 PM ---dont buy that story and you got nothing to back you up, everyone else seems to be against you so... no idea ur ban sticks
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So a kid's word who wouldn't even link me to the site when I asked politely numerous times is more trustworthy than mine? rofl
--- Quote from: hasser on August 22, 2011, 11:20:21 AM ---So a kid's word who wouldn't even link me to the site when I asked politely numerous times is more trustworthy than mine? rofl
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Oh, nice, calling other people kids to make you look older.
Totally mature mate, how about you take the ban and just cool off for a bit before you start getting yourself into some more shit.
hasser, arguing with admins is like arguing with a bear
it's a shitty idea and will get you nowhere
--- Quote from: Gamefreak, the spy on August 22, 2011, 10:30:44 PM ---hasser, arguing with admins is like arguing with a bear
it's a shitty idea and will get you nowhere
--- End quote ---
I wouldn't say that.
...Well, in this case maybe.
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