Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

hasser appeal

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--- Quote from: Foofoojack on August 20, 2011, 12:27:03 PM ---Who kills half the server in self-defense?

Really, I have a hard time believing 7 people shot first.

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It was a chain reaction. Some idiot tried to kill me for no reason (can't remember name), I IDed his body and he was innocent, then someone tried to kill me for killing him, I killed the guy trying to kill me, and it went into a nice chain reaction. I came out on top, killing everyone that tried to kill me :) It isn't RDM at all to kill 7 innocents as an innocent, as they attacked firsthand.

Lol @ the guy who Respect--'d my post, probably the same guy who made the ban request on me.

i tend to ignore rules from administrators that dont participate in much

and i go by, if theres a report against a player, and it goes through.. i lock and approve

if they wanna say something they can post an appeal... like this guy did

EXCEPT this guy is tossing some ridiculous excuse that he killed 7 people cuz they shot at him....

just gonna say... if 7 people were shooting me on ttt, id probly only manage to kill 1 or 2


--- Quote from: Moo on August 20, 2011, 02:42:23 PM ---i tend to ignore rules from administrators that dont participate in much

and i go by, if theres a report against a player, and it goes through.. i lock and approve

if they wanna say something they can post an appeal... like this guy did

EXCEPT this guy is tossing some ridiculous excuse that he killed 7 people cuz they shot at him....

just gonna say... if 7 people were shooting me on ttt, id probly only manage to kill 1 or 2

--- End quote ---
Psh, you and your CSS shit would probably kill all 7 of them.
And yes, I agree with what you were saying, I think that rule is directed to the person reporting though.

If everyone had a say on their ban and waited to do so the report section would be over 6 pages long


--- Quote from: Moo on August 20, 2011, 02:42:23 PM ---EXCEPT this guy is tossing some ridiculous excuse that he killed 7 people cuz they shot at him....

just gonna say... if 7 people were shooting me on ttt, id probly only manage to kill 1 or 2

--- End quote ---
They did, it was one by one. Killed the first guy that attacked me, IDed him, he was innocent. Then someone tried to kill me (I guess for killing him, despite he attacked me first), then when I IDed him as innocent ANOTHER attacked me, and this continued until 7 innocents were dead. Ok, am I supposed to just die? No, I'm going to kill any muthafuka that shoots me, even if he thinks he has a good reason to do it.

Just because you can't, doesn't mean I couldn't. I also had full karma on the server previous to the attacks, and most people attacking me were less than 400 karma. Easy to kill them.


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