Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
08/14/2011 Application: Hotgreensoldier - [APPROVED]
And mabe I dont need to come to kid every badboy as much ;3
A big fat :thumbsup: Hotgreen is a very friendly player, well behaved, and mature. I believe he would be a great VIP.
Fore the aforementioned reasons, which i do not need to reiterate, +1
Well alright, have a +1. c:
Well I actually used to strongly oppose him having VIP. However, he's chhanged a lot for the better recently and matured greatly. He's a really nice guy and tries to make shit as fun for everyone as possible. I definitely think he won't abuse it and he'll use it wisely.
You better not dissapoint me if you get it hotgreen, :thumbsup:.
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