Hello all i am applying for regular so here is my info.
# 26 "Silent Death (alien gamer)" STEAM_0:0:31408722 1:34:44 208 0 active
June 27th 1998
In game name:
SilentDeath (aliengamer) (may not be wright check steam id for correct one)
I love the servers and i would love to help every 1
Something Good:
Also i love the server soo much ive been on 62 hours in the last 5 days ( not lying I have been up all night)
Servers i play on:
The Random servers:
zombie survival
winter survival
Trouble in terroist town
just played some stranded
And also:
some stargate servers before i re-installed garry's mod
"I love this game, it loves me back

Sorry For my Evil Spelling!
p.s. Looking at some 1 else's app go to my steam account if you want to see all my games
http://steamcommunity.com/id/brad_marsden/games?tab=allThank You For Your Time!!