Travelsonic's Regular Application!Steam: SteamID:STEAM_0:0:19704214
In-Game Name:Terminal Cancer
Time online:I am online in the evenings, often between 7 PM and 3 AM, for varying amounts of time.
Sled Build
Trouble in Terrorist's Town
Zombie Survival
[Although due to my intensive studies in calculus over the summer I have been playing less overall, with the month of August well underway, and a far more manageable fall semester [and spring semester following that, hopefully] coming up, I hope to play more often on all these servers again. I started almost 7 months ago playing ZS, then within the last 3 or so months really expanding myself to the other servers listed above, though my continually busy nature, laboring over my major [computer science], made my presence / absence intermittent.]
Age:At the time of writing this app: 21 7/9ths
Birthday:October 8th
Games (on Steam):Garry's Mod
Half-Life 2
Team Fortress 2
Location:New York, USA
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:It would be really cool to be able to participate in things like votekicks/votebans, since I have been noticing a lot of behavior lately that has been bringing down gameplay, ESPECIALLY in TTT [seemingly constant cases of at least one or two people RDMing, for example]. I myself have never been votebanned, votekicked, though once I was falsely accused of lagging ZS back when I first started playing. I would do my damndest to use the status not just in that avenue, but hopefully use it as a symbol for people to turn to for help, that is, when people are new and need help for example, they can feel confident that regulars can provide help, and not be jeering assholes like some people - whether they are a guest, or one of the varying ranks above guest- can be.*
Contributions to RND:I have yet to contribute beyond being able to offer up suggestions here, helping newcomers in game get adjusted, and watching out for problem players - especially when I play on TTT. For example, as of last night, I have begun keeping demo recordings for the TTT games I'm in, as well as screenshots of damage logs, in case people call out others for RDMing during/after them, and in cae of continued accusations of RDMing. This way, if substantiated enough, I have the proof needed to write up a report.
I do hope to make maps for ZS and / or TTT that are unique, fun to play, and most of all, have some resemblance of being balanced [I hope >_<]. Some of these ideas I have floated with others either here in the forums, or in game [ZS, TTT, etc].
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:- PM me here
- Message me, and/or friend me in Steam [since I don't know if you have to friend somebody to message them - never paid attention to that really]
- Or you can e-mail me directly at
>As Olmec from Nickelodeon's Legends of the Hidden Temple would say, "The choices are yours, and yours alone!"<*Yeah, I know the above sounds like a crock-of-shit, something people would just SAY to sound good / convince others to give them Reg status, but I mean it, goddammit.