.FGD is what?What is an FGD file type?"FGD stands for Forge Game Data. It is the file extension for Hammer's game definition files. They define all of the entities of a game so mappers can select them from within the editor. It is a key point to understand that an FGD is nothing more than a reference. You cannot create or modify entities by editing a FGD, you merely give Hammer different information about what it expects to find within the game. Sometime editing reveals hidden or unused features or even entities, but they were always there and could be used even without the updated FGD."- Valve Developer Community
In other words, an FGD file type is a file type that is loaded by hammer to mount entities that can control in-game variables.
Why do I need to mount these?These files can help ease of access rather than creating the entities from scratch,
you can now select them from the entity drop-down list.
Can I have a list of common .FGD 's ?Zombie Survival:
http://www.mediafire.com/?mzzjmniyynzTrouble in Terrorist Town:
How do I mount .FGD 's to Valve Hammer Editor?Read the following tutorial below.
Time to mount dis shit.Step #1 : The DownloadDownload your .FGD that you wish.
I will be using the zombiesurvival.fgd as a reference in this tutorial.
Be sure to place your .fgd on your desktop so you do not lose track of it.
Step #2 : The MoveGo to your Steam directory.
In this case, my steam directory would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam.
Only you know what you set your own steam directory to. Now find it.Navigate to steamapps\ <username> \sourcesdk\bin\ <source engine version>\bin.
<username> refers to username you use to login to your steam account.
<source engine version> refers to which source engine version you are going to use.
orangebox is HIGHLY recommended but ep1 and source2007 also work.

Now place your .FGD into that folder and breathe out.
That was the hardest part.
Step #3 : The ConfigurationOpen Source SDK through your Steam Tools Library.
Open Valve Hammer Editor in whichever Game Engine version you use. (E.G. Half-Life 2 under Source 2009)
Follow this tutorial to mount Garry's Mod into Source SDK
The Valve Hammer Editor window should appear.
Go to Tools and select Options in the drop-down menu.
In the window that pops up, be sure the first drop-down menu includes the Game Version you are using.
In the next thingy, click the "Add" button.
A window should appear.
Select the .FGD you placed earlier and click "Open".
Click "Apply".
GOOD JOB!You have successfully mounted a .FGD.
Now restart Valve Hammer Editor.
If you check your Entity drop-down list,
you should have new entities you can place with editable I/O 's.
You are welcome.
Now make a good fucking map.
There are few of these guides so I made one.
More reasonable to place this in Mapping so yeah.