Author Topic: 8/1/2011 Application: Raidersfan  (Read 191 times)

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8/1/2011 Application: Raidersfan
« on: August 01, 2011, 12:25:34 PM »
In-Game Name:
steam name: raidersfan64  In-Game: :~RND`=-AlphaRaIdErSfAn64◼-=

Playing since: for at least 5 years


Time online:
I'm Online a lot as you could say sometimes 6-13 hours a day and sometimes, but im mostly on in the daytime if not i would be online later towards midnight.

Zombie Survival,wiremod,TTT


4th of March

Games (on Steam):
Garry's Mod
Team fortess 2
And A lot more.


Why I should be VIP:
I should be Vip because there is usally not that many admins on and vips on.There are a lot of ppl glitching,spaming, or maybe hacking witch makes it unfair and then people leave the server.

Why I want to be VIP:
I want to be VIP so i can help make the game fair.And if the game is unfair people leave.

Someone is making a unbreakable cade.(In Zombie Suvival): I will tell them to kill them selfs if they dont do it,I will kick ,if he/she does it again i will vote ban. Simple.
Someone is glitching (In Zombie Suvival): I'm always seeing this happen when I play. When I first spot a glitcher, I would ask the player to quit glitching. If they refuse, I would simply kick them. If they came back and glitched again, I would voteban. Simple.

Someone is using a name changer: I've never been in this kind of situation, so I'll need help on what to do with this.

Someone is using an aimbot: The first moment someone calls out an aimbot, I would immediatley spectate the called out player. While recording it all with a demo, I will make my decision and either vote ban the player or leave him be. Either way, I would report the demo I recorded and let the admins decide the players fate.

Someone is using speedhacks: Once I see the hacker or someone starts complaining, I would most likely suicide, spectate, and record with a demo. After I recieved enough proof to report, I would vote ban for and make up the report and post it up, letting the admins perma ban him/her.

Someone is constantly disrespecting other people: This is a big problem for me. I don't like it at all when people are making fun of kids and are just being a total jerk. It ruins the whole purpose of playing games. It also makes our servers look bad when we let a lot of it slide. Ofcourse, I can tolerate most of it, but if it starts interuppting the game, or just gets to out of hand, I would ask the disrespecter to quit and tell the victim to mute the disrepector if it's all through voice. If the disrespector continues to do so even after asking, I would kick the player. If he returns and continues, I would give a vote ban. Anything beyond that I would voteban and make a report along with it.

Friends that play on RND:
Yellow Killer, Captain Communism, Dk, Mayan5507.

Contributions to RND:
I'll be 100% honest i have not contributed to RND, hopefully i'm able to put my contributions to RND and show my dedication.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 03:14:39 PM by SMasters »

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Re: 8/1/2011 Application: Raidersfan
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 02:22:15 PM »
First of all, you've definitely not been here for 5 years. It's quite a shame when people lie about this. You just got regular to my knowledge and there's no way you're even near ready for VIP as I've never even seen you or even heard about you in game. Just no.  :thumbsdown:

EDIT: I just re-read your app, and I notice you talk about kicking for a day and possibly even a week. VIPs only have the ability to votekick for 5 minutes or voteban for 60 minutes. That's it.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 02:28:54 PM by Jman »

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Re: 8/1/2011 Application: Raidersfan
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 02:49:57 PM »
First of all, you've definitely not been here for 5 years. It's quite a shame when people lie about this. You just got regular to my knowledge and there's no way you're even near ready for VIP as I've never even seen you or even heard about you in game. Just no.  :thumbsdown:

EDIT: I just re-read your app, and I notice you talk about kicking for a day and possibly even a week. VIPs only have the ability to votekick for 5 minutes or voteban for 60 minutes. That's it.
I was basically thinking similar things to this, but decided it would be unfair to post since I don't actually know him in-game or on the forums at all what so ever...

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Re: 8/1/2011 Application: Raidersfan
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2011, 02:56:14 PM »

For sooo many reasons... He has been spamming me on steam chat non stop asking me "how do I do this, how do I do that" without trying to READ or figure it out himself. I'm all for helping but not when it's excessive annoyance and spam. He says he's been here for 5 years because the steam account has been passed down from his brother so he may be referring to the steam account, not himself. He is not 17 he told me he is 14. He says he has many friends from the community but adding people on steam technically doesn't make him known or to have friends. Just got reg and should wait till hes well-known, responsible, matured, and less annoying.

Just so it is clear, I am not your friend.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 02:58:09 PM by Teeny »

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Re: 8/1/2011 Application: Raidersfan
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 04:02:50 PM »
In addition to my previous statement, I was just wondering how the hell this guy got reg, and when I looked at his app it turned out he had almost all -1s except a few. So not only is he not ready for VIP regardless, he isn't even ready for reg as he's now a guest again.

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Re: 8/1/2011 Application: Raidersfan
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2011, 05:13:56 PM »