Username - Plank!
Steam ID- STEAM_0:0:35907410
Age - 16
Gender - Male
location - USA
times - Weekdays.
Servers - Wire, Flood, WS, and Zombie Survival.
Why i want to join - I want to join because I enjoy building and testing/advancing my skills in stuff like wire or e2, I find this game very interesting and i'm a decent builder. Nothing too special. I was actually a member a good year ago, but my computer crashed and i was computer deprived for the longest time. But I don't know if many of you will remember me, for the people that may remember me (Minic, Sniffles, Sanders) are inactive. Unless some of you do remember me, which would be great!

Other - Played GMOD for two years. Minor training with C++. Not too much.
Contact - Uh, Facebook!