Author Topic: zs_gm_construct  (Read 229 times)

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Re: zs_gm_construct
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2011, 07:39:47 PM »
Not Nades

But a boxsniperrounds one XD
You mean Tiny slugs round?

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Re: zs_gm_construct
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2011, 07:55:01 PM »
K i remove them now

I remove ammo (exept smg and pistol)

Why don't you just remove all the ammo crates, health stuph, ANDweapons?
That way, the effect of ammo conservation, health re cooperation, and morality respiration are in the loving caressing hearts of the brutal humans to survive the oncoming hoard of the undead. In the hearts and minds of every last human, rubbing the scythe of death in an apocalyptic world brings forth the adrenaline that they must survive and have sex.
In the world where you can not look forward to that next cookie or that loving hug of your caring mother, survival of the fittest will always prevail.

A Man named William Reed's last living testament says that he is going to read his own will.

Will Reed's will will read "Will Reed will read Will Reed's will"

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Re: zs_gm_construct
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2011, 03:47:23 AM »
Editing a map is a bad idea. It will cause more problems than it had before decompiling. And ask permission to edit it.

Go make a map, which you made by yourself and then everybody is happy.