Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Sabb

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I'm not sure why I haven't said anything before, theres absolutely no reason why Sabb shouldn't get admin.

He's active, smart, will listen to reason, and is also one of the few people in the community who actively voices his true opinions.

I still don't know why he hasn't been promoted yet. Hah.

ya sabb should be promoted, hes pretty 2 faced.

I'm glad i can see it now, hes gonna be a good corporate puppy :D

Did I honestly forget to vote on this?....

Massive +1

Sabb is not only funny, active, and a great friend he always follows the rules and is serious whenever a situation comes up.

He always tries to help and is nice overall. HE NID ADMIN NAOW KTHX:>

Oh hey, I can comment on stuff now.


Sabb is a great guy who has been here a long time, knows the rules, acts mature, and will not abuse.
We do need more admins, and even if we don't, he is still a great choice.

You know what they say,

The more pizza you eat, the better admin you'll be.

...or something like that.

I'm sure sab will serve as a great admin.


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