Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Sabb

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I think Sabb was one of the first friends in rNd of mine, and we had some great yiff fun together.

One of the funniest members of rNd and probably the best VIP right now - along with that, super active and non-raging, no matter what people do.

Most importantly, Sabb is not afraid of speaking his mind, which is something many people seem to lack unfortunately.

I am 100% sure Sabb will be an amazing admin.

Also, why are people -1ing/+1ing? As far as I know we're supposed to give our opinion, not properly vote on it. :/

Hell, it's about time. (cookies for whoever gets the reference.)

Can be a greater admin than Moo.

User was banned reason: a

nojk, but Sabb would definitely be a great admin. Awesome, funny, serious, awesome, cool, nice. Did I mention awesome?

Yeah. Awesome.



If anyone is going to be the next admin I really think it should be Sabb. He's a cool guy and I don't believe he would ever abuse. Inactivity will definitely not be an issue!  :thumbsup:

Mr. Franklin:
Well he would be great for a survival admin. I would like to see less favoritism out of him, because it sometimes affects how his attitude is toward other gamemodes or other people.

I play TTT with Sabb and he is very cool and a good "preier" :)



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