Jarred's Regular Application!
SteamID: # 20 "Jarred" STEAM_0:0:29094334 01:22 76 0 active
In-Game Name: Jarred/Jarred0809/Aracil
Time online: On weekdays, I'm on from around 4:30 to 6:00. On weekends, holidays, and summer break, I'm on pretty much all day unless I'm busy.
Zombie Survival
Winter Survival
Wire Build
Sled Build
Flood (when other people actually play it)
Age: 13, but in exactly a month from today I'll be 14
Birthday: August 26, 1997
Games (on Steam):
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion GOTY (horse armor!!!)
Garry's Mod
Portal 2
Team Fortress 2
Half Life Source
Half Life 2 Deathmatch
Black Ops (hate it)
Modern Warfare 2
Counter Strike Source
League of Legends
Warcraft 3
World of Warcraft
Location: Oswego, Illinois
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: Wow, this page just refreshed on its own and I lost all of this. Well, I'll redo it. I want to be a regular so I can use all of the tools in Wire Build and to be more than a guest in my favorite servers. I don't troll, minge, or spam, and when I use my microphone, I am mature. I can have anger problems sometimes, but most of the time I am patient and nice.
Like Forrest Gump would say, "That's all I have to say about that."
Contributions to RND: Nothing yet, besides teaming up with other players in Winter Survival and Zombie survival. I also have made some Gmod tutorials for simple inventions on Youtube, and I plan to make some Zombie Survival maps someday.
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:
PSN: Aracil-X
Facebook: Jarred Binder
League of Legends: Jarred Binder (everything but my full name was taken)
World of Warcraft: Aracil - Drak'thul - Lvl 85 Blood Elf DK
I want to add my friend codes for Pokemon, but I can't remember them. Just email me if you want to battle or trade.
>Thanks for reading my application, and thank you in advance if you decide to promote me. I'm gonna go play Gmod now.<
Thanks to Don for reference to this app!