Ok, so I have seen several threads where people say "why didn't you ask us". And since i have routinely proven that I have NO CLUE about anything, I was hoping you guys could help.
So I figured, if you guys have nothing better to do...I have been looking at trying to upgrade my brother from an old laptop to a decent gaming computer. Currently money is tight, so I'd like to have everything planned out ahead of time. With money being tight, I'd also like to get things which maybe a year or two down the road can be upgraded to stay relatively competitive.
I was thinking that we could buy something entry level now, and upgrade it as we needed.
What I know he will want, though, is something that runs well.
He plays WoW (and TF2, but not now, his computer can't run it well.), and I know he'll want that on the highest graphics settings possible.
I don't think its a necessity, but I'd LIKE to get him a dual monitor setup, because he is very impatient with everything. (RAM, right? ._.)
Now, I was looking at this:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227339And I (in my stupid way) think this would be a good entry level model that can be upgraded later.
Tell me why i'm wrong and what i should do instead.