Well this is both funny and annoying at the same time
this player named chaos who i see on flood a lot nowadays seems to think that the more he insults respecteds, the more they'll do what he wants.
In this case he wanted me to kick Danpoli yesterday for prop pushing and pirating. I wanted to see him doing it first so i waited and chaos keeps calling me a faiewl respected (I don't know maybe he cant type either). So i see Danpoli prop pushing and i kick him just like he wanted and then chaos proceeds to say that Im a "dickhead" for destroying his boat during the next round...
So i leave it and today when i come back on its him and Danpoli at it again however this time i hear a different story and that is chaos was also prop pushing and blocking Danpoli for pirating his boat which i did not see. So i decided this chaos person is really just an idiot who deserves nothing better from me anymore.
akomissmo was also there and maybe he's friends with chaos, i don't know but that doesn't stop him to doing the same thing as chaos.
oh and i have to mention he thought i was using hax to destroy boats
This is in discussion because its partly funny and would definantly make a good thread.
Unfortunately garrysmod decided not to record my vid of him prop blocking me

heres the chatlog.
Only Danpoli and Chaos were prop pushing eachother, all other players were either on akomissmo's boat or their own# 30 "?chaos??" STEAM_0:0:34278715 34:44 161 0 active
(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: bbaaaamp
(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: bamb
(Guest) Bamb!: WHAT?!!
[Flood:Console] ".:DJ akomismo

:.: in Soviet Russia Animals Feed u"
(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: go wait 170 seconds)
(Guest) ?chaos??: onions
(Guest) ?chaos??: kick dan
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: dont destroy mah boat!
(Guest) ?chaos??: kick danpol6
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: Jim!
(Guest) Bamb!: come onn ur rich
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

(Guest) ?chaos??: he pirated my boat
(Guest) ?chaos??: and started shooting it
(Respected) [Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: hi
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: yea ban dapol for prop cage and prop push then pirate
[Wire Build:Console] "Tech: who knows anon-experiment#1245 "
(Guest) shoot1510: GOGO ban danpol
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: xD will u stop shooting my boat!!!!!
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

(Respected) [Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: ok ill kick the moment i see him
(Respected) [Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: doing something bad
(Guest) ?chaos??: omg
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: u will see
(Guest) shoot1510: bye bye dan
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: after many warnings
(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: half minutes
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: NONONONOONOZNON
Out of money? Type !reset to restore your profile.
(Guest) Bamb!: yes ytes.
(Guest) Bamb!: ako im sorry :3
FAILED! You have failed to destroy your enemies in time!
(Guest) shoot1510: out of money? Type !reset to restore your profile
(Guest) shoot1510: XD
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: mah boat got destroyed
(Guest) shoot1510: I LOST ALL MY GUNS
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Flood|Tick66|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rulez in chat!
(Guest) Bamb!: lol.
(Guest) ?chaos??: jim look at the ovens on the floor
(Guest) ?chaos??: he tried trapping me
(Guest) ?chaos??: then at 0 sec he went on my boat
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: yea then cage him too
(Respected) [Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: i could care less about you chaos
(Guest) ?chaos??: fail more
(Guest) ?chaos??: fail respected
|===Tables loaded successfully===|
(Guest) ?chaos??: u sad that i was pwning u yesterday?
(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: fuck my money!
(Respected) [Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: saying im a dick for destroying your boat isnt pwning
Unfroze 3 Objects
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/wireframe)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/wireframe)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: debug/env_cubemap_model)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: debug/env_cubemap_model)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/shadertest/shader3)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/shadertest/shader3)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/shadertest/shader4)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/shadertest/shader4)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/shadertest/shader5)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/shadertest/shader5)
(Guest) ?chaos??: omg kick him
(Guest) ?chaos??: he trpped ne
(Guest) danpol6: you too
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: look!
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: Look what danpol did1
(Guest) Bamb!: OMG DANBOl
(Guest) danpol6: danpol
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: JIIiIIM!
(Respected) [Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: chaos can stay there
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: FK U!
[AFK Manager] kickass was kicked for being AFK too long.
(Guest) ?chaos??: jim im reporting u
(Guest) ?chaos??: oops!!! muaha!!!
(Respected) [Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: ok
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: fail more Jim
(Guest) ?chaos??: JHIM UR BOAT FAILS BTW
(Respected) [Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: thank you
(Guest) Bamb!: zomg i got rickrolled by ruben again <3
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: Jim u even phail forever
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: big boa = more crash
Player kickass has joined the game
kickass (Country: Turkey) connected.
(Guest) kickass: what happened
(Guest) kickass: i win?
(Guest) ?chaos??: dan prop pusher
(Guest) ?chaos??: u banned
(Guest) shoot1510: DAN STOP
(Guest) kickass: i win?
(Guest) kickass: IT IS HUUUGEE
(Guest) danpol6: you do this too
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: he can do that cus u pirating last time
(Guest) kickass: who is losted all guns?
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: all of us
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Out of money? Type !reset to restore your profile.
(Guest) kickass: someone said "i losted my guns"
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: server was resetted ok?!
(Guest) kickass: OMG
(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: NOO(
(Guest) kickass: realy?
(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: GIVE MY DUBLICATOR
(Guest) ..:Monty_Burns:..: I SAVE BOARD))))))))
(Guest) kickass: u mean boat
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: kickass u with me
(Guest) kickass: yep
(Guest) Bamb!: his been saying board
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

(Guest) kickass: OMG
(Guest) ?chaos??: jim u reportwed for hacks
(Guest) ?chaos??: u destroyed a huge boat by urself
(Guest) kickass: what hax?
(Guest) ?chaos??: nice hacks
(Guest) kickass: seriously
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: Jim shot rpg and damaged 500 which is not normal
(Guest) kickass: how they killed boat?
(Guest) .:DJ akomismo

:.: xD Jim We dont need u anymore
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Flood|Tick66|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rules in chat!
(Guest) kickass: realy its imposuble
[Flood:Console] ".:DJ akomismo

:.: eed a better respected not fail respected"
..:Monty_Burns:..'s props have been cleaned up
(Guest) kickass: /gm u mean "need"?
(Guest) danpol6: i ill fo xtreme
[Flood:Console] ".:DJ akomismo

:.: need better not MOEW FAIL!"
[Flood:Console] "kickass: u mean 'need'"
[Wire Build:Console] "Tech: what"
[Flood:Console] "[Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: hullo"
[Flood:Console] ".:DJ akomismo

:.: need a better respected not a morefail one"
[Flood:Console] "[Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: ima fail respected"
(Guest) Bamb!: peace D:
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
[Flood:Console] ".:DJ akomismo

:.: Jim fails for not kicking or banning rule bbreakers"
[Flood:Console] "[Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: yush"
[Flood:Console] "[Xtreme] jim-onions {RM}: even tho i didnt see anyone breaking any rules"
[Flood:Console] "kickass: true true"
(Guest) shoot1510: Im respected
CONGRATULATIONS! You have survived the round and get a bonus of $3,500!
Profile Saved!
(Guest) kickass: no ure not
(Guest) shoot1510: but I need to conflim
(Guest) shoot1510: I need to join the group
(Guest) kickass: ...
(Guest) shoot1510: I got invited
Machine Pistol 5 Purchased