Birthday: 2/6/1996
Age: 15
Location: United States
Games on Steam: Garry's Mod
Half Life 2
Half Life Deathmatch
Half Life Lost Coast
Team Fortress 2
Alien Breed 2: Assault
Games without Steam:Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Starcraft Broodwar
Starcraft II
Dead Space 2
Guitar Hero 3
Company of Heroes
The Sims 3
Servers:Trouble in Terrorist Town
Winter Survival
(All Random Servers)
Reasons why I want to be a Reg:- Having the opportunity to use the options as a Reg
- I want people to realize I am part of the rANdOm
- Participate in voting on votekicks/votebans
Reasons I should be a Reg:- Never been banned
- I always play in random servers.
- Good Sport
- Very Friendly
I think being a reg could have some advantages in the servers. So it's worth being one.
Thank You