Technology (Read Only) > Computers

My GPU is shitting bricks

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--- Quote from: Marked One on September 23, 2010, 03:16:07 PM ---your implying that a ceiling fan spins at a few hundred rpm's and the dust stoped it fro m moving

also. how the fuck dies dust even get on top of a ceiling fan lol

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Ok go look at a normal fan if you want same thing applies dust builds up on those blades and if not taken care of sooner or later the build up will block it...

Good question, I think it has to do with the dry wall for ceilings you know those bump thingys? Lol but honestly i have no clue...

--- Quote from: » Magic « on September 23, 2010, 03:17:29 PM ---
Your stupid, air gets sucked past it in the air is dust which settles on the back of fans

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Lol thank you atleast someone knows what I'm talking about.


--- Quote from: » Magic « on September 23, 2010, 03:17:29 PM ---
Your stupid, air gets sucked past it in the air is dust which settles on the back of fans

--- End quote ---

i think your wrong. caus eim pretty sure dragons are involved somehow. idk

but anyways, how old is ur comp shawn?

It gathers end of dicussion


--- Quote from: Marked One on September 23, 2010, 03:33:45 PM ---i think your wrong. caus eim pretty sure dragons are involved somehow. idk

but anyways, how old is ur comp shawn?

--- End quote ---

2006 but yet its still pwns like everyone elses computer :P when i bought it had top of the line everything installed into it.

mi ne pwns it though. end of story.
specs. gogogo


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