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My GPU is shitting bricks
Cake Faice:
Holy shit. When playing crysis under the easiest maps at full settings (Im getting 150 in my custom map at ultra high), my GPU rasies up to 90 degrees.
When idling, the lowest it got was 30 degrees. And I just got this card a few weeks ago and my 15 day return warranty is long gone.
How do I get my gpu to hit under 60 degrees. Does getting a case fan or 2 help in any way?
5770 shouldn't be hitting that high of temps...
30C Idle is normal for that car.
Thoe 90C even in extreme condition it should never get that high :S
Does your case have any airflow?
drill some holes in your case
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: Peetah on September 11, 2010, 06:17:49 PM ---5770 shouldn't be hitting that high of temps...
30C Idle is normal for that car.
Thoe 90C even in extreme condition it should never get that high :S
Does your case have any airflow?
--- End quote ---
Well, its a shitty Raidmax case thats cheap. Im not sure of the airflow but it's fine enough. And the eah5770 is CUcore. Its odd really.
Yeah i cant believe how it could reach 90C.
It would suck if the conclusion was defective.
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