Technology (Read Only) > Computers
My GPU is shitting bricks
--- Quote from: Marked One on September 22, 2010, 07:27:54 AM ---leave your computer on for 3 days strait. that'll cool down aux eventually. hopefully it isn't important though.
or flood your house and find were the water boils.
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My computer is on 24/7..... i never turn it off.....
--- Quote from: » Magic « on September 22, 2010, 09:34:07 AM ---Temp guage probably broken
If it was that hot the part of your case where the aux is would be really hot / melting
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Well what is aux? if i knew what it was i could check if it is hot in the area Lol but for the fans i'm guess it might be just a build up of dust over the years that stopped them from working....
--- Quote from: Shawn on September 22, 2010, 10:58:12 AM ---My computer is on 24/7..... i never turn it off.....
Well what is aux? if i knew what it was i could check if it is hot in the area Lol but for the fans i'm guess it might be just a build up of dust over the years that stopped them from working....
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if dust builds up to the point where they dont spin...
need new comptuer
Open it and give it a nice clean.
--- Quote from: Marked One on September 22, 2010, 11:57:11 AM ---
if dust builds up to the point where they dont spin...
need new comptuer
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No it doesn't just means i have to open the side up and take the vacum hose to it... No man has that kind of money "Oh shit dust must buy a new computer" Fuck that this computer costs nearly $6,000.00 i'm not planing to just throw it away anytime soon....
It causes harm to circuit boards!!!!!
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