

Yes, People will learn not to mic spam and we dont want to hear the shitty music.
3 (27.3%)
Instead of doing it for everyone, mute manually yourself instead.
8 (72.7%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule  (Read 285 times)

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Offline Cake Faice

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Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« on: September 10, 2010, 08:14:26 PM »

Heres whats happening:
(Sorry gamefreak, but lets see if everyone else agree's here)

When you go into the report section, you'd find alot of reports related to people kicking to mic spamming, which breaks out over 9000 respectard phrases time to time. Basically, when you join any of our servers...usually TTT or ZS, you'd find someone spamming some shitty overplayed techno crap or an old tf2 bonk song that almost everyone has heard. When you ask them nicely...they never go that path (expect for gamefreak, he's a bit more considerate now to that stuff). Instead, they tell you to stop crying and lrn2mute. Which basically evolves a few clicks and your done. But here's the downside of muting.

Now that ZS is getting popular again, its hard scrolling through 20+ names and finding that individual who's spamming. It sucks when your a human and your in a tight situation here. If you dont have a high reading level to scroll through all the names...i'd take you at-least 8 seconds to find the person and mute them. In this case, if you're in 1 part of the map and 10 people are in the other with a whole hoard of zombies breaking down your cade, and someone plays some shitty horrid quality song with hlss that make your ears bleed, then theres a problem. You could always turn off your volume but you wouldint hear the zombies coming near. Your ass would get pwnt when trying to mute the person.

With TTT its sorta a big problem. It could only take 3 seconds to stand still and mute someone with a full 16/16 server. But really, when your a tratior and half the server is after you and right behind you...I dont think you would want to stand still even for 4 seconds to mute the spammer. It happened to me before on a noxious server when no admins are on. 5 people left, I was the only T. Someone played some shitty death metal song thus forcing me to mute. And since noxious has a heap of people usually. Its hard finding the name. Long story short, I got pwnt while finding the name to mute.

And heres my opposition:

LRN2FUCKING USE WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. Liek no really, no one wants to sit through all of that just to mute one person to have another spammer come on. If you want to listen to music, then please...for the sake of god start up WMP before the game and make some playlist or something. Thats what I do. If your a macfag or WMP doesn't work for an odd reason, then use youtube in steam's ingame web browser. Im pretty sure that works for the other 90% of people. If that shit doesnt work still...then get a better media player or iTunes or get a fucking radio.

You honestly dont need to play music that a majority of the server doesn't like. If people want to hear music, they do the same with WMP or jewtube.

Sound effects are okay and all. Just as-long as they are not overused or hella annoying. I'd prefer people spam old and overused Duke Nukem quotes then to spam shitty music.

Christ, I'll admit that I used to mic-spam a bit along time ago. But I actually asked people for a vote for music and actually stopped when they said stop.

Basically the moral of the thread is to start a vote against the mic-spamming rule. A kick at the most if they spam for atleast 30 seconds and when at-least 80% of the server tells them to stop. But all and all, coolz has the final decision for all of this.

Votemute. Self-Explanatory.

You may now post your witty, overused like fuck comebacks to go against the rule.


Stfu and lrn2WMP.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 07:41:35 PM by Cake Faic »

Offline Xrain

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 08:43:59 PM »

But seriously,

The mute is there for a reason, and it works just fine. If taking 8 seconds away from your game, and possibly a round is such a serious grievance, then go play single player games, there aren't any mic-spammers there, and your free to do what-ever the heck you want.

But something you forgot to factor in is it affects everyone on the server evenly. So if its proving distracting to you, chances are everyone else finds it distracting also, thus the playing field still remains somewhat even despite the annoyance.

As for the in-game music players, I don't mind it so much as long as they:

A. Stop if someone asks
B. Skip a song if a few people hate it.
(To all those out with poorly optimized, and scratchy songs, If I find you, you will be dealt with harshly  >:D)

Stop being lazy arses and use the mute.

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Offline Cake Faice

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 08:54:55 PM »

But seriously,

The mute is there for a reason, and it works just fine. If taking 8 seconds away from your game, and possibly a round is such a serious grievance, then go play single player games, there aren't any mic-spammers there, and your free to do what-ever the heck you want.

Then what the fuck is the point of playing TTT/ZS if its in single player.

As for the in-game music players, I don't mind it so much as long as they:

A. Stop if someone asks
B. Skip a song if a few people hate it.
(To all those out with poorly optimized, and scratchy songs, If I find you, you will be dealt with harshly  >:D)

You can be mr.nice guy all you want but no-one gives a damn.

Stop being lazy arses and use the mute.
You shouldn't have to mute mic spammer after mic spammer.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 08:59:46 PM by Cake Faic »

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 09:06:21 PM »
people mic-spam because they think they are cool for sharing their music

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 09:51:59 PM »
They mostly think it is funny, and they have their friends laugh so...  O0
Quotes from friends:
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: mah mouse is sqeakeh
.:~RND`=- Mr.Franklin -=: tweeeeek it

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Prox: Thread status: memed.

Offline Xrain

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2010, 10:09:33 PM »
Then what the fuck is the point of playing TTT/ZS if its in single player.

That was kinda the point behind my joke...  :-[

You can be mr.nice guy all you want but no-one gives a damn.

I don't ever recall talking about how I choose to play music, If I remember right I was more commenting on If other people are playing music.

Christ, I'll admit that I used to mic-spam a bit along time ago. But I actually asked people for a vote for music and actually stopped when they said stop.


You shouldn't have to mute mic spammer after mic spammer.

I actually agree with you.

But, however irritating it is, It's a part of playing video games online.
In the end, I don't really understand where the time is saved by banning someone. It takes just as long to ban someone, as it does to mute them. If it truly bugs you so much, go make/search for a script for yourself that allows you to permanently mute someone on your side of things.

But, I'll make our stance clear on this.
-We have discussed this problem numerous times
-We will not be allowing people to vote kick for mic spam
-We did not make this decision on a whim, It was made after not regulating if people vote-kicked/banned people for mic spamming.
-It had turned into some sort of gateway drug, luring people into wanting to ban people for more, and more minor infractions
-There was a never ending stream of "OMG YOU ARE SO ANNOYING STOP SPEAKING OR ILL BAN YOU" to way too many people than was necessary.

I'm not trying to destroy your discussion, one of the reasons these forums were made after all; was so you guys could give us feedback about issues and suggestions for the severs.

However, I am tired of the discussion about this matter, so I felt it necessary to make this point clear before you guys began pm'ing us going "OMG LOOK AT ALL THE VOTES JOO HAS TO DO DIS!"

But yes mic spam is annoying and I hate it just as much as you all if not more. So until someone can create an auto-mated irratato-meter, to automatically detect when someone is irritating, this is how its going to remain.
" I don't take square roots, I make them. Then I set them out to cool after I baked them for 40 minutes."
"It's Canadia, not Chlamydia."
"Hold on I just have to ddos myself"

"I'm like 12 in my head" screen when I do video?"

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2010, 11:15:15 PM »
Just a question, are we allowed to kick people that play ear-raping sounds intentionally?

Offline Xrain

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2010, 11:28:39 PM »
Just a question, are we allowed to kick people that play ear-raping sounds intentionally?


Tharr be thy exception to the rule, but if the dude's mic is just messed up that doesn't count as an intentional-ear rape automatically. If everyone is sitting there yelling at him that his mic is broken but he still persists go ahead and boot his ass. (That's a boot remember now, not the Hammer.)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 11:32:02 PM by Xrain »
" I don't take square roots, I make them. Then I set them out to cool after I baked them for 40 minutes."
"It's Canadia, not Chlamydia."
"Hold on I just have to ddos myself"

"I'm like 12 in my head" screen when I do video?"

Offline Cake Faice

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2010, 07:59:07 AM »
But Xrain, here's the thing though. If we dont want people kicking for mic-spam, then can we at-least consider having coolz add a votemute command at-least? Heres my theory though, usually when people mic spam and you just mute them without a word...Then dont learn they're lesson really. And thus they keep mic spamming time after time. Muting manually takes just the amount of time as typing in votemute and select the person's name. Then afterwards, the person would be muted for 5 or 10 minutes. If they keep spamming after then, then you'd have to consider a kick.

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2010, 08:48:11 AM »
Votemute idea is a good one, but it should last the rest of the map.

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2010, 11:07:04 AM »
Votemute idea is a good one, but it should last the rest of the map.
i think its a good idea to add voice mute

Offline Cake Faice

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2010, 11:10:53 AM »
If its a good idea then why does everyone keep voting no :(  :-[

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2010, 11:18:50 AM »
If its a good idea then why does everyone keep voting no :(  :-[
cause you made the thread about it /:

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2010, 01:04:38 PM »
cause you made the thread about it /:

Then how could we convince coolz to add this feature then?

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Re: Thoughts on a mic-spamming rule
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2010, 01:17:09 PM »
Cake Face, listen. Oftentimes, when I join a server the first thing I do is mute people who spam and never talk. And I don't die from it.