1. Is it plausible to create a bridged connection within a laptop, that connects a Xbox to it's Wireless Adapter?
I'm fairly certain it can happen, just... I'd want to know beforehand so I don't hassle my Sister to Borrow her Laptop, set everything up, and then jump through a pane of glass because it won't work :I
SiS 900-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter. Yeah, it was 'fast' 10 years ago.
Seriously... August 7th 2001.
Is mine damaged, or naturally slow as hell?
5. I don't plan on fixing the Celeron... It's just my temp replacement.
But I'm wondering,
because it didn't perform like this 4 1/2 months ago (February it was running at a fair speed), if it has been
damaged somehow, how I can determine this accurately.
And no, it's not my internet connection itself because my sister fucking gets 5mb/s on her Desktop... and my original Desktop got 3mb/s avg, exact same room, exact same setup... excluding the desktop.
And a silly question:
27. I'm fucking bored what the hell can I do on a computer that operates at a speed of 40kb/sec?