nothing we do matters in the end :/
lolsrsfaic though, didn't the man/woman who founded fire change our lives forever? Didn't the person who invented the wheel change our lives forever? What about Modern English? War? Science? Religion? The printing press. Planes. Cars. Boats. THE ATOMIC BOMB.
I don't know about you but what Albert Einstein did mattered when they eventually bombed Hiroshima :|
But Did it matter in the end? Well, that depends if we nuke ourselves to death...
But don't be so down. You make your own goals in life, or you follow in others' goals that fit your desires/whatever.
Everyone is good at something, this is a fact. Even by doing nothing you are doing something that not many other people have the patience to do, so be glad that one day you will be required to stay still in order to live :I
To be brutally honest. I have thought about this since I was 5. "What would it be like to see through another pair of eyes?" I always asked myself. Then, once I learned about the Big Bang and the Universe and it's impeccable size, I asked, "Is it not possible that we are near or exactly the center of the Universe, seeing as we can only really 'see' so far? How do we know?"
I then began asking myself, "Is there other life? If there are infinite possibilities and nature-bending laws, and if life can occur here if life was random, why not in another point in space, and even time? What is the Drake Equation? Why do I exist? Am I real, or is this a dream? What is a dream? Are we simply observing another universe through our minds, or is it just simply images and chemically stored responses?"
Then, I learned about the Many World Theory, the Many Minds Theory, Time Travel, Alternate realities, Schrodinger's cat, Quantum wave-function collapse of particles, and the Quantum Suicide/Immortality Theory.
These things shaped me. Imagine. There is, and will be, and even cease to be, at any given time, EVERY POSSIBLE OUTCOME OF YOU EVER.
Ever. Even versions that are exactly the same save for one tiny particle in the Alternate Universe(s). You have done everything, and nothing. Lived, and died. You have many children, and yet you have none. You can and have and will and will never do anything there is of doing.
And now imagine that you are always the living copy, seeing as you are not dead yet. And imagine for a second, that it could very well be you AND you alone, in essence. Is it not a good feeling that you are so lucky to be observing the events in which you have not died yet? Why commit suicide- I mean, if... well, that is a redundant statement because it could be what was supposed to happen. But you understand. Why waste that prospect. It's a wonderful thing to even be alive. Look at what you can do.
Simply even being able to breathe. To see. To touch. To think. To be able to express your thoughts in any shape or form. To feel the physical and the emotional. The mental and the spiritual.
Are we an accident or a purpose-built function? Why do we feel? Why can we not share these things with anyone but ourselves? Can WE make life? What is life? Why does it exist? Why do I exist? Fucking Amazing. Whenever something goes wrong, just keep in mind that somewhere else, it went all right. Or maybe you are lucky you aren't a burning cinder of ashes. Consider that whatever force decided or determined or allowed it so that you are still "alive", instead of ceasing to exist within this realm or reality in this state of being. Unless that is what you want.
Who knows what being dead is. It could be nonexistence, there could be a heaven and hell. If there are many other universes, why is it not possible that the process of death is simply a "Switch" between the observance of this set of events to another set that links you to this "heaven" and "hell"? Are there properties that determine this? Is this Karma? What is Karma? Why does it exist? Why is gravity such a weak force? What is string theory? Why can't we travel back in time? Is time travel simply "Changing the Channel" for the Time traveler? Will we ever know? Why are we so curious?
It's all mysteries. So give yourself a break and enjoy the little things in life. You might not be around any longer to bathe in the warm golden rays of the sun, or relax under the dark shade of night, or even say 'hello' to your loved ones; be they your loved ones in this set of events.
Now with the whole debate of Science and Religion.
Why can they both not exist in tandem?
It works for me. Think of it this way.
Forget everything you know about religion and science, generally speaking. Avoid all Biases.
Now suppose a God exists. THE God exists, just so we don't get too elaborate for the time being.
And within this beginning, there IS nothing. But what is
this? Who is to say God is not some Cartoonist drawing a whole new world? Why can God not be like a Video Game Developer, Designing this epic-sized environment and seeing how it interacts with itself in the
final build (The moment he supposedly stops interacting with us as previously mentioned)? Who is to say we can't compare God to a Scientist working on a near-perfect simulation of his reality? Could this be like Tron? Could we be simulate of many other simulations? Or is this the very 'first' Universe/Dimension? What is outside this reality?
And then now imagine that
God the Cartoonist wants to draw a Circle/shape/maybe even a shape we have no name and/or concept of.
God the Video Game Developer wants to create a 3D model of his 'little' map.
God the Scientist wants to start according to 'The Big Bang'. Or maybe he wants to try a way different from those who in his universe speculate how the universe begun.
Maybe in this universe, the scientist deduced that the universe was a result of 'The Big Split' or something alternate to what we think. Maybe they, jokingly in terms of theories, theorized the Big Bang and if it was even possible to create a Universe, and what that Universe's lifetime would be, and if it would explode or implode, or simply turn to pure energy. Maybe he is running a test on this theory, an Experiment.
And these Versions, whomever they may be, do just that.
The Big Bang. Whether it was an
Elaborate Storyboard An Epic Animation Sequence that had built-in formulas and protocols to create Energy, Gas, and Then matter...and And the stars and Elements and planets and such
Or even a Simulation of the Big Bang;
Whatever happened, happened. And so far, so good. For us at least. Or, things could have gone better. They could have for you, if there is another me in sequence (
Scientist) writing this in your 'ideal' world that
that you thinks
isn't ideal, ironically.
Now, take back all your biases. Now think of the mainstream God, the One and Only, Alpha and Omega etc etc.
When it states that he did this in 6 days, could it not just be a
simile for our tiny minds to comprehend in a window of time that we understand, rather than Sixty-Million Eons to even think about the Universe, or even ages to create it, and create the blueprints that would eventually hatch life, and then us? What is Evolution? Is it like a computer code? Something that develops once all variables are present? Is Carbon a Number? Are there 'cheat codes' in life?
Is God that genius/elaborate?
He could be. If he created us and exists, I'm not sure we have much of a say :I
And if he was like an alternate Coolz or something that was like super zen-mode, then most definitively.
Now back on topic.
What if the Bible itself is just simply God's way of telling us and teaching us stories and morals upon which we can connect to our everyday lives? Did we take things too literally? Are we supposed to?
Maybe the Bible is just a big silly book written by some crazy people.
Or maybe it was written by people, but in some weird way, to help people. We will never know. It all depends on what you conclude and believe it to be. You control your reality, essentially. You observe what you want to, whether you're aware of it or not. Or maybe not.
Why do we exist?
You make your own answers.
Your own goals.
You were chosen, by whatever and whomever, or even randomly, to exist.
To be born.
To live. To love. To even hate.
All of the emotions, you are enabled to have and display.
You have the ability to think.
To do.
To say.
To dream.
To each man his own.
Make the best of it.
Life could very well be a Video Game.