So everyone post their models, If the model is already mentioned I'll tell you to change it to something else.
So the following models are taken:
Breen - Coolz !TAKEN!
Mossman - Cable, Devie !TAKEN!
Alyx - Teeny !TAKEN!
That brown terrorist with mask w/e is it - Moo, Mudkip !Open!
Me, Falcon, and Anony mouse - Metro cop !Open!
Jimonions - That female model. !TAKEN!
Gamefreak - male03/male12 !CLOSED!
Don - Black Rebel dude. !TAKEN!
Sab - Old Hostage from css !TAKEN!
Rocket - models/Humans/Group01/male_07.mdl !TAKEN!
Moo - models/animals/4legs/cow.mdl
Cogsandpag0ts - Combine ( Summer Model ) !OPEN AS MANY AS CAN!
Peetah - Gnome.mdl ( From L4D2 [ Thanks to prox to have l4d2 ] ) !OPEN AS MANY AS CAN!
Cake Face - Oddesa !TAKEN!
Prox - Terrorist with red head band !OPEN!
Jman - Female Boomer
Hotgreensoldier - models/Humans/group_01/male_09.mdl !TAKEN!
Silent - l33t terrorist !OPEN!
Alkaline - Crispy Liscious Charpel !OPEN AS MANY AS CAN!
WafflePiez - GIGN or w/e SWAT !OPEN!
Hitman, Magic - T artic !OPEN!
Mehis - gravestone001a !OPEN AS MANY AS CAN!
Deacon - Francis !TAKEN!
MBS - John Freeman !TAKEN!
CommanderEddy - Kleiner ( noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo )
I don't know the models of others or I'm having a god damn amnesia or something.