And I think because a vast majority of you have your hands and minds into such things, that you'd be better off helping me choose the right set of parts instead of ending up with another fucking INTEL CELERON FROM 1997 40kb/s :<
So the reason I can't do this myself is:
1. Computer sucks
2. Computer Sucks
3. Oh my God this computer SUCKS ASSCLOWS (Tribute to someone :I)

4. This computer will not even load, and sometimes even not ping sites at all, for a good hour or so on average. So searching for stuff is a major pain in the 0.01 mb/s.
And also I want to believe that a lot of you have experience and maybe even SuparKnowledged about these things.
One of my main questions is whether I should just buy a pre-manufactured Tower from the store (Like a generic brand), buy a Gaming Rig from Online, or something else.
Also keep in mind that I'm not TOP BILLIN'.
Maybe like I can throw out around $1000 CDN... or something... maybe $1700...
ALSO keep in mind that I have:
A few salvaged RAMs from the dead Tower (4)
A NIveDa GEforce8600 GT
And a CD-rom. Don't ask about the Hard Drive because it's fried.
So yeah I need help... please