First I looked at the video. I didn't understand and I was laughing at the title because wat.
Then I looked at the Ad.
Then I was like (:[
Cause that's fucking depressing. Like... 'imagine being 3-6 and not having a mom but everyone else does' goes through my head

Then I focused on the Words
instead of the kids and in a way I started laughing again cause it was like
TWO BROTHAS ALL UP IN THIS MUTHAFUCKA WAAAAAAAAAAAT- but then I looked back at the kids and the words at the same time and I automatically

But then from a cosmological POV I looked at how Situationally Ironic and mean that the
Ad about Poor Orphaned Kids and a comedic video about Someone Choking happened to be at the same place at the same time. It kinda made me laugh again.
But then I though about choking orphans and I