Creative Arts (Read Only) > Literature

Well, Not sure if this is the right section.

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--- Quote from: Nope on June 19, 2011, 07:06:54 PM ---

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Yiys :trollface:

Well sometimes when I itch my pingas a lot this weird white stuff comes out? Wtf is that normal?


--- Quote from: Jman on June 25, 2011, 08:41:11 PM ---Well sometimes when I itch my pingas a lot this weird white stuff comes out? Wtf is that normal?

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Ermm.....I don't think he means THOSE kinds of problems Jman...


--- Quote from: Sabb on June 19, 2011, 05:19:56 PM ---Waffle, how can I stop masturbating?

It's a really bad habit, and I don't know how to stop.

--- End quote ---
oh god this D:


--- Quote from: Me Likes Dis! :D on June 26, 2011, 02:55:49 AM ---Waffle, how can I stop spamming?

It's a really bad habit, and I don't know how to stop.
--- End quote ---



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