Creative Arts (Read Only) > Literature

Well, Not sure if this is the right section.

(1/10) > >>

If any of you guys need advices (particularly in relationships, but others are okay too) in anything, come ask me.

Now you guys are probably wondering "Yeah right, he's only 13. He knows nothing." and/or "Stfu you don't know anything".

I've actually helped and made them come to senses with people aged 16+ online. A particular person I've helped is a guy who didn't know how to treat a woman well. The woman came up to him and asked if they wanted to go drink coffee. He replied with a yes and they went to drink coffee. He didn't understand why she was doing thing and other things, so he just asked me. I've came with a solution and he was good with it.
I've spent 10-30 minutes helping him with this situation.

A couple days later, he asked me if I wanted anything. I said it's ok but he decided to just give me some third person shooter games and I replied it's ok. He said thanks.

Now, another guy I've helped is probably around most of your age. He is 17 (I think) and he had a clan situation problem. The clan had 3-5 leaders and only about 20 members and I've replied "That's like having 3-5 kings on one throne." This stumbled him, and as I began to question him some more, he finally realized he's being used to making the others king of the clan.

If you guys are not convinced, I'd be happy to help any of you guys with real life problems and/or gaming clan's problems.

If you need to contact me, talk to me through Steam.

can you help me get along with people who just insult me all the time...:[

Sure, talk to me through Steam.

Hmmm, can you add me on steam? I can't since it's pingazed :-[ Just add Blah2357


--- Quote from: Nope on June 18, 2011, 01:15:57 PM ---Hmmm, can you add me on steam? I can't since it's pingazed

--- End quote ---


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