Creative Arts (Read Only) > Literature

Well, Not sure if this is the right section.

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Dale Feles:
Honestly, anyone could just give people advice. I don't mean to be a jerk, but I could probably just tell a guy do ''this'' to achieve ''this'', and he'll successfully achieve his dream.


--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on June 19, 2011, 11:35:48 AM ---Honestly, anyone could just give people advice. I don't mean to be a jerk, but I could probably just tell a guy do ''this'' to achieve ''this'', and he'll successfully achieve his dream.

--- End quote ---
Me = 13 years old
Others = 16+ years old
I am 13 years old and I can help others who are way older than me and even if they are adults. My point basically >_<


--- Quote from: Wafflepiezz on June 19, 2011, 01:16:07 PM ----Sigh-
Me = 13 years old
Others = 16+ years old
I am 13 years old and I can help others who are way older than me and even if they are adults.

--- End quote ---
You are a wizard!!!!

So basically
you're telling us to get advice from you
just because you're younger than the average person on here?
whoop di doo
call the police

Dale Feles:
I am 3 and I got REG. I do it right?


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