Hold on guys, I got this.
Forgot to post this cause I made it and finished right when forums went down.
For the retard who cannot read, I am not PROMETHESUS INBOUND... iam just PROMETHESUS... and I never have and Never WILL hack. And yes i am 17. its just that i get lazy with my grammar.
Just showed me that you can't cooperate with people and handle the SLIGHTEST situation.
A regular needs to be patient and be able to communicate and cooperate with VIPs to deal with unwanted players.
Also shows me you have little common sense, because I didn't accuse you of anything, all I had asked, very politely and calmly, was if you were once ever named Prometheus Inbound, with proper and obvious reason...
I could very easily see you as one of the ignorant Regular who brings personal bias into managing players, whether it's a small impact or not, when a VIP is trying to handle a situation, it is a BITCH to do when all even one Reg does it always vote yes or always vote no on a votekick, or that will as I already said, bring personal bias into a decision. For example: a VIP votekicks a player for mass RDming 9001 innocents, and then the Regular votes no, simply because he's a friend. Or, a VIP votekicks a hacker, and then the Reg votes no, simply because he doesn't like the VIP who is initiating the vote.
Situations as such have happened in sooo many occasions, with nothing to prove of it, because how are you even supposed to be able to prove that? You would have to get proof of the person you're accusing doing what ever it is you're accusing him of, then the Reg voting no, and some evidence showing that he had stupid reason for voting no, and more than likely it would be necessary for to get multiple instances of it.
So, yano.

And for Dragonboy, derp my herp.
The report was made that day, okay? What does that prove?
Prometheus Inbound never made a FORUM account, and assuming he did at one point make one, do you realize how easy it is to make more than one account on a forum?
So, I'm sorry sir, but it seems your argument is invalid, not mine.