Bans (Read Only) > Approved
[Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
Dale Feles:
First of all, could we move this thread to the Appeal section please? And second of all, could start a fresh new poll With the two options ''Yes'' or ''No''?
If people don't have an opinion, they shouldn't vote, nor even reply to the thread unless it's something useful/smart.
--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on June 12, 2011, 05:03:38 AM --- could start a fresh new poll With the two options ''Yes'' or ''No''?
--- End quote ---
That already happened then it was changed again, re doing the vote another time will just be stalling time.
--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on June 12, 2011, 05:03:38 AM ---If people don't have an opinion, they shouldn't vote, nor even reply to the thread unless it's something useful/smart.
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately, for what ever reason, a lot of people see a poll and feel it's necessary to vote before leaving the thread even if they don't know wtf it is about.
At least that's what I've learned from majority of Regular members.
Exactly, you want to know what the output of the vote is before leaving.
based on all of this, his appeal, his posts, his actions to the all the hate that was given to him, this man has enlightened my heart and showing me that second chances can and should be given.
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