Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal

<< < (27/37) > >>

the im 12 and what is this is the option people can choose if they have no opinion in this vote

removing it removes a portion of votes


--- Quote from: Moo on June 11, 2011, 06:42:48 PM ---the im 12 and what is this is the option people can choose if they have no opinion in this vote

removing it removes a portion of votes

--- End quote ---

i just recommended to remove it because it was confusing and it was hard to tell if people wanted him unbanned or not

should have been renamed, thats all instead of completely be removed

Change it so it says, 'No Opinion.'

Also I got the wrong date.

Invoked on   09-26-10 09:58

It was actually 9 MONTHS AGO

Computer says no.


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