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Do VIP's like, not spawn as zombie in ZS?

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2/5 rounds i spawn as zombie.


--- Quote from: Ben on June 02, 2011, 03:24:17 AM ---Huh?
I spawned as zombie ._.

--- End quote ---

You were human. While you were spawning, you died I guess. I saw it on the counter that you were killed.

But asdksadasdasdkasda.

Idk. I still havent spawned as a zomb, and it's been 5 maps since I made the topic.

» Magic «:
you haxor

You will eventually, I never spawned as a zombie for like a while then I spawned as zombies more often than usual. :idk:

I've also noticed that vip's have a bigger chance to be detective/traitor....
but thats my opinion


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