Restricted (Read Only) > Senior Members

Do VIP's like, not spawn as zombie in ZS?

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--- Quote from: John on June 02, 2011, 10:36:09 AM ---I've also noticed that vip's have a bigger chance to be detective/traitor....
but thats my opinion

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You only notice when they're VIP more than you do other players because we're so fucking awesome when we're a traitor/detective. :dukenukem:

But I'm only reg and I got detective 3 times in a row ??? though 2/3 rounds I pwned ;D

I suggested this a while back. Can we actually do this?


--- Quote from: Mercutio on June 02, 2011, 12:04:07 PM ---I suggested this a while back. Can we actually do this?

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Why would we?
VIPs shouldn't have any advantage or special treatment, what ever you want to call it, in-game.
VIPs are there to help manage the server and keep people from break rules.

So, yano.
VIPs = play the game like everybody else.

» Magic «:
uhh nope

vip should be like everyone else

admin dun even get alot lol


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