Let's see...who are we you ask...
We're foods. In a group.Food group so far in RND:
~*CONFIRMED*~-Me (Mr. Wafflepiezz)
-Mr. Muffins
-Mr. Apple
-This Toast
*~UNCONFIRMED~*-Is Minic considered food? He's a pengwuin :3 and I think some people eat o.o (yesh/nosh)
-Is Moo considered one? He's a cow. That Moos. Nom? (yesh/nosh)
-Is Goat considered one? He's a goat. We eat goats. Nom? (
-Dillpill considered a pill which originated from herbs which are considered foods...(yesh/nosh)
-Cable for chewing on Cables? (yesh/nosh)
-JMan changing his name to something related to peni's. (yesh/nosh)
-Cheesicle has cheese in it :s (
-Cake Face has cake in it :s (yesh/nosh)
PLEASE CONFIRM OR NOT!!!!!!!!Anybody else that would like to join? You get free...

If I left anybody out please let me know