Now, we're going to ASSUME you know the rules of the server in which you are playing.
If you don't know the rules, find them out by reading other guides, reading the in-game rules, or asking someone if all else fails.
Once you realize that you have found someone breaking the rules, you must get two
- The other players Steam I.D
The other players Steam I.D:
This is, in my opinion, the first and most important step. Without the players Steam I.D, no action can be taken against them. The easiest and quickest way to get a Steam I.D is to open up the console and type the command "status". Once you do this you should see a bunch of crap, such as the server and the map you are on currently. It takes too long to copy down the Steam I.D of the person you are trying to capture, because by the time you are done, they may have stopped doing <insert action of deplorable nature here>. I always take a screenshot using the steam cloud feature (hint: jpeg_quality 100), so I can upload it if needed, and come back to it when I'm ready.
Just as important as the Steam I.D. Now, this is a short and simple guide, so I will make this short and simple.
If you see someone you suspect is breaking the rules, record their actions. You can record in-game by opening the console and typing "record <insertanynamehere>". This will not lower your fps and noticeable amount, so you don't have to worry about that. Remember that if they are suspected to be hacking, spectating is the best way to tell. If, say, you are in TTT, and you recorded an aimbotter, take a few screenshots of the round log. Usually people don't get more than 5 headshots per round, and you should always be suspicious if they do.
For a much better explanation of recording, visit my buddy Cables guide on:How to record a demo file (.dem)If you are in TTT, click this spoiler:Specifically, there is a way to get the damage logs so you may prove that your claims are true.
All you have to do it type:
(and since I can't put it better myself, I'll let gamefreak explain.)
[pootis] in console at the end of the round. This can basically prove that someone shot you but didn't kill you, which is useful. Or that they were shooting and provoking everyone.
When you enter that command, the console will output the damage log. It will look like this:

There, the hard part is over. Thats all you need for your report. Now comes the next step: Creating the report.
Report Creation:
Now I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail here, as it seems fairly self explanatory. Simply fill in the information as necessary. I have provided a code which is nothing but a colored copy of the standard report requirement.
[color=green]1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)[/color]
[color=green]2. Players Nickname[/color]
[color=green]3. Your in-game name[/color]
[color=green]4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)[/color]
[color=green]5. Description of the event(s)[/color]
[color=green]6. Reason for ban[/color]
[color=green]7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)[/color]
Now we can fill it out with the information we have gathered.
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)<Their Steam I.D>
2. Players Nickname<their name>
3. Your in-game name<your name here>
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)<name of the server in which the offense occured>
5. Description of the event(s)<Here is where you go into detail. Explain as best as you can (with the best grammer you can) the event as it occurred. Remember, this doesn't have to be 10 pages long; You just have to explain what happened.
6. Reason for action<Here label the rule which was broken. Hacking, RDM, Prop pushing, etc.>
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)<Here is where you put the evidence. While it is suggested that you render demos, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it successfully. I have been using to upload the file directly, and you can do the same. You will find all the demos you have taken in your garrysmod/garrysmod folder, called <nameyoupickedearlier>.dem . Feel free to take a minute and explain what you are trying to show. >
<Also include any screenshots that you have. Be sure to explain what you are trying to show.>
Then post
TL;DR-"status" in console
-"record" in console
-don't forget to "stop" it.
-Copy the requirements above
-Fill in the info.
if you guys think i need to add/remove/clarify something please tell me