Hello, my name is $ilent. Chances are you are new to rNd, if so, here a couple of tips that could help you get your foot in the community, and receive a better impression from other players. Forums can be confusing sometimes, but with time, you will get used to it. Don't hesitate messaging any questions to me about this guide.
1- GRAMMAR.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
First of all, When you type on the forums, use
CORRECT SENTENCES, this makes it easier for us to understand what your trying to say or explain to us.
Bad way: hai guys i liee rnd therez alotof peppl
Good way : Hi guys, I like rNd, there's a lot of people!
As you see, I use commas, exclamation marks, and correct grammar.
Don't worry if English isn't your main language. Take me for example, I mostly speak french, but with minimal effort I can make coherent sentences. If you don't speak English too well, then just say it on the forums, nobody will hate you for it, and it fact, we will know why you are not spelling words too well.
Also, good grammar isn't required, but it can be frowned upon if you don't decide to use any. Doing the above stuff can help you gain a better impression from the community. You aren't force to have perfect grammar in-game, as it is faster to type, and you lose less time standing around risking to die.
2- RESPECT________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I'm sure you all noticed the little ''respect'' thing under many users names/avatars. What's this you may ask?
Respect is the total sum of all positive and negative votes on your posts. Users can either + or - your post.
To keep your respect up and normal, I suggest you Don't make stupid useless bumps/comments, be respectful, don't go bragging about stuff and avoid being a braggart, nobody likes those kinds of people.
If your respect ever goes down too much (-10 or more) then check out Seb's guide for getting respected:,3190.0.htmlOne more thing you should know about respect,
don't take it seriously. A lot of members here have bad respect, but are very friendly in-game. Never judge a book by it's cover. Also, most of the time someone -1's you when you're new is because they misuse the respect system, just because you have a different opinion.
3- MODIFY________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I know this has been stated a lot on the forums, but I think we need to remind some people of it. If you make an error, whether it is a spelling mistake or you want to add something, instead of making a new post click the MODIFY BUTTON. Remember to use it as double posts are frowned upon on this forum.

(Thanks Devie for the image.)
4- ADMINS________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Now some of you who are new to rNd might not know all the admins. What do they do? How are they like?
Their job is usually to moderate the forums, and servers. They can lock threads, so nobody posts in them, and move them into other sections of the forum is you accidentally start one at the wrong place.
They are generally nice, and you don't have to be afraid to PM them asking for help. Especially Hotgreensoldier and DoeniDon, two of our newest admins up to date. They like giving new people a hand in the community, you can visit their profiles here:;u=467and here:;u=9Now, you might ask how do I recognize these people?
In the forums, admins will have this above their avatar (if they have any) :

In-game, they shall have a red "Admin" tag, which highly resembles this:
(Admin)5- Credits________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thanks to: -Doenidon for putting this on his index without me even asking...
-Coolzeldad for the awesome servers/forum.
Thanks for reading, if you want to add anything or have suggestions, PM me