gmod101's Regular App
In-Game Nicknamegmod101/gmod101 (Online)/gmod101 (Offline) <-- if i forget to change
Steam-ID# 399 "gmod101 (Online)" STEAM_0:1:13423144 18:01 288 0 delay
Time Online:from school and then i play til i sleep but i have to eat and study
i have been playing on RND for half a year i started on aug 2010
Servers:Trouble in Terrorist Town(the server i played the most)
Zombie Survival(the server i goto some times)
Fretta(i used to play at fretta alot of times but i dont now)
Agei am telling the truth i am not going to lie my age is 11
Birthday:3 June
Games (on Steam):Half-life 1 Antology (HL1:OpFor,HL1:TFC,HL1:BS,HL1)
Garry's Mod
Team Fortress 2
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Episode One
Half Life 2: Episode Two
Half Life 2: Death Match,Lost coast
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Location:Malaysia/Selangor/Shah Alam
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:Because I want To Help The Admins With Votes And I would like to use the Reg only tools Also no one has reported me before.
Alot of people on the server likes me too

I will help report anyone who breaks the rules And some of my friends asked me to apply for reg
I also help new peoples how to play the game like press f1 for a guide or telling them don't kill other people if your innocent and kill them if they shoot you and kill people and detectives if your traitor and stuff like that
Contributions to RND:Well there's nothing that i contributed but i do report anyone who break the rules.
That's all i can say.
Oh and If i don't get my reg i can try again after 2 years or next year