Creative Arts (Read Only) > Languages

Of Course, I Make the Spanish Guide

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ya, unless that's a girl it's a guy dancing

I should make an improved version of this. I DO live in a colony of Cuba, after all.

Bueno, ya que decidiste hacer una guía, te ayudare con unas cosa que eh visto:

--- Quote from: The Spanish Anteater on May 21, 2011, 10:45:09 AM ---Orange: naranja
Brown: cafe
Fish: peces
Bird: aves

--- End quote ---

No se deberia decir naraja, ya que el verdadero nombre del color es anaranjado... sin embargo, una gran cantidad de personas le dicen así.

Por lo menos en mi pais, es mas común decir marrón que café.

Fish = pez

bird = ave

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: The Spanish Anteater on May 21, 2011, 10:45:09 AM ---Hello, hola, I am the Spanish Anteater. Obviously I speak Spanish, so I will teach a small amount of it. Credits to RND Silent, I hope you will not get too mad for me using your format.

Fixed some shits and writing. -Frank

--- End quote ---

No problem for format, very good basic guide.

¿Piensa en aprender más español


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