Creative Arts (Read Only) > Languages

Of Course, I Make the Spanish Guide

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Hello, hola, I am the Spanish Anteater. Obviously I speak Spanish, so I will teach a small amount of it. Credits to RND Silent, I hope you will not get too mad for me using your format.

Black: negro (can't read it if I type in black)
Red: rojo
Yellow: amarillo
Green: verde
Blue: azul
White: blanco
Orange: naranja
Brown: marrón
Pink: rosa
Purple: morado, púrpura, violeta

Bear: oso
Dog: perro
Cat: gato
Lion: leon
Fish: pez
Tiger: tigre
Bird: ave
Goodbye: adiós
Hello: hola
Please: por favor
Thank you: gracias
You're welcome: de nada, por nada, no hay por qué

PM me if you have any "Spanish-related issues. Thank you for taking time out to read this, and I hope it helps.

Fixed some shits and writing. -Frank

Dios... si vas a hacer una guia, que sea completa.

srry memo i don't speak Spanish fluently but I do know the basics if u r asking yes i will make another one with verbs and adjectives

jajaja que es esto

es un hombre que esta bailando


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