1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
# 111 "◄ΜēţĂ► Spider" STEAM_0:1:5835660 32:20 222 0 active
2. Players Nickname
◄ΜēţĂ► Spider
3. Your in-game name
This Toast
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the event(s)
We we're having fun at crummycradle when suddenly he shot me from the back. I saw that he was a detective and not shoot back. Afterwards he got 1 credit from my body. I check out his karma and points and its not pretty, I'm pretty sure he rdmed lately.
6. Reason for ban
Fellow detective RDMing
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)