1. Player's SteamID STEAM_0:1:20909888
2. Players Nickname Sgt.Donald
3. Your in-game name .:~RND`=-InfamousFelix
4. Server name .:'=-~rANdOm~`=:. -Trouble in Terrorist Town|Tick66|Fast DL-
5. Description of the event(s) I looked through my Recent Players list and noticed Sgt.Donald played last night, Looking at who was playing around the time I know the time frame of when this happened, Yet I do not Recall seeing him attempt to join no do I recall him being in the server, I'm sure he's aware that he has a 1 week ban placed on him and this is day 3, I'm not able to check if he changed his name cause he's not on my friends list so I can't check Aliases, But did anyone notice this last night?
6. Reason for ban
Void of Punishment.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:20909888&advType=steamid&SubmitNotes: Will keep updated, If anyone has any recollection of this please add in, Will find more evidence to support unless I am mistaken.