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Can we do away with TTT Karma Farming?

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--- Quote from: Jman on May 17, 2011, 12:05:07 PM ---Maybe this will show how badly the problem needs to be solved....

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Afk for 8 hrs.? Really?

--- Quote from: » Magic « on May 17, 2011, 10:50:15 AM ---10 mins?

2 mins

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I said 10 mins. because sometimes people have to do shit and will come back in like a few mins.

How about 5 mins?


--- Quote from: DoeniDon on May 17, 2011, 08:56:30 AM ---You don't even have to do +right;+forward anymore. You won't get afk kicked at all anymore, even if you're just letting gmod run in the background without anything.

Hasn't it been mentioned somewhere before by coolz that anti-afking would warrant a 3-days ban? I don't know where it was, but I'm pretty sure that was said.

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Shit, seriously?
So I shouldn't go afk anymore?
Cause I often go AFK and just leave Gmod on cause I don't think to turn it off... and usually I get moved to spectator before being kicked by afk kicker.


--- Quote from: Jman on May 17, 2011, 12:05:07 PM ---Maybe this will show how badly the problem needs to be solved....

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That made me lol

Yeah, I support this. It's better to gain karma the hard way. :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Seb on May 17, 2011, 01:26:40 PM ---That made me lol

Yeah, I support this. It's better to gain karma the hard way. :thumbsup:

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it took me longer to prove that this works last night than it did to gain all my karma back, then lose it, and gain half of it back the normal way.

Dale Feles:
 :thumbsup: To removing this.

This should remove the wait time to join the server due to those afk's taking all dem slots.


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