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Can we do away with TTT Karma Farming?

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--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on May 17, 2011, 06:44:39 AM ---I've kicked people for doing this before, where they'll be in the server for some 8 hours and I watch them for a good 30 minutes - 1 hour and they just sit there with +right in console as a spectator, not being kicked while slowly gaining their karma back and taking up slots on the server.

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You don't even have to do +right;+forward anymore. You won't get afk kicked at all anymore, even if you're just letting gmod run in the background without anything.

Hasn't it been mentioned somewhere before by coolz that anti-afking would warrant a 3-days ban? I don't know where it was, but I'm pretty sure that was said.

Wow I never knew people had done this. I usually just go "meh" when my karma is low and just keep playing regularly. :thumbsup: to get rid of that glitch if possible.
BTW, can we put something that if someone is afk in spectator for 10 mins. then can they get kicked?

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: blahhhhh on May 17, 2011, 09:51:07 AM ---Wow I never knew people had done this. I usually just go "meh" when my karma is low and just keep playing regularly. :thumbsup: to get rid of that glitch if possible.
BTW, can we put something that if someone is afk in spectator for 10 mins. then can they get kicked?

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10 mins?

2 mins

Maybe this will show how badly the problem needs to be solved....


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