Here's some tips to help you on the servers and forums:
1. If it's illegal, don't post it.
2. If it's NSFW, don't even consider posting it.
3. Before you post, look at the post and think "Does anyone NEED to read this post?"
4. If you're in the servers, and Moo joins, three things may happen. Either:
a. You are about to get banned.
b. Someone else is about to get banned.
c. Absolutely nothing.
Adjust your behavior accordingly.
5. If someone posts something that is NSFW or illegal, take a screenshot of it (Firefox's screengrab addon is useful for getting entire threads) and save it for future reference.
6. If someone -1's your post, don't call them out on it. It probably just means you said something blindingly stupid, or (If they're Carp) it just means they disagree with you.